cane hill | a pictorial record of the interior organisation of the watertower

Fourth Floor

We were back in the light again as the next floor coincided with the thin lancet windows which ringed the structure.

The eastern room featured the most extensive piping network yet seen, with an array of pipes and stop-cocks clustered on south-eastern wall. There were two small concrete tanks lining the north eastern wall which looked long disused.

Elevated concrete steps lead into the western room.

"You may recall that towards the end of last year I used some of your images and written material on Pyestock and Urbexing in a newsletter for The International Stationary Steam Engine Society (ISSES). I'm glad to say, the articles went down well, although disappointingly, they generated only a few comments from the membership. A couple of members had visited the site during its working days but were unaware of the scale of the steam-driven plant there."

"I try and keep an eye on your Urbex site and whilst scrolling through your description of Cane Hill's water tower came across the attached shot."

"Although you don't elaborate on the machinery shown, it is of enormous interest to me, as incredibly it shows what I believe to be an otherwise unrecorded steam engine. You can see the small steam feed pipe running along the wall under the much larger water pipes."

"The engine with its six-spoked flywheel and vertical frame and cylinder is a quite a small example and I reckon it would originally have been used to drive the stirrers situated in the room below via the small pulley close up against the wall. Did you notice if there was a hole in the floor to accommodate this?"

"Again, with your permission, would you mind if I featured the engine in our next newsletter? It really is an important find - I'm sure our members will be able to identify the maker from your photo." - Philip Retter, ISSES

View of eastern room, fourth floor, looking south east. © Simon Cornwell 2008

Detail of the piping in the same area, same orientation. © Simon Cornwell 2008