cane hill | walking the perimeter

So, someone managed to smash the glass in the third floor windows, picking out the little panes in the semi-circular windows, whilst leaving the big second floor windows intact.

Despite my hatred of vandals, I have to give this a slight nod of acknowledgement and a mark for depraved style.

It just emphasizes the brooding madness of Cane Hill, another of the site’s wonderful attributes. (Along with the Teddy Bear incident, the ward with the cards and other weird goings on - see Andrew’s site for the spooky tales.)

I guess that we either have a very good thrower here (although considering the mess on the other side of the building, I have my doubts) or someone was in the room and broke the glass from the inside.

And I've now been in that room. But it wasn't the smashed glass that caught my eye. It was the massive pile of pigeon shit.