pyestock | magpie abuse

The sky was dark and threatening as we drove into the Fleet Pond car park, got our rucksacks and hurried across the empty fields. (The kite fliers and model aircraft enthusiasts were more sensible than us and had stayed in). The first spots of rain began to fall as we reached the hole in the fence. Unfortunately new fencing had expertly fixed the hole and our route into the site was now completely barred. It was now 3:45PM, the sky was getting blacker and our way was blocked: damn Magpies and their strange forces.

There was nothing for it; so we walked south, following the fence, looking for other ways in. We walked the entire perimeter before emerging on the new road which had been driven through the southern part of the site. Grimly we turned, retraced our steps and settled on a way in which covered us in mud.

We entered the site near the south-west corner and stood facing a huge towering muddy hill. Interestingly a lone single-room building (no bigger than a shed) stood at the summit but we elected to follow the fence westwards until we found a gentler slope to climb. This brought us onto the site near the new buildings in the south-west corner. We decided to continue further south, focusing on getting to the southern tip of the site and approaching it from a completely different direction. The way led through knee high ferns and tree groves; we stumbled across old derelict land and spied previously unforeseen buildings.