pyestock | something old, something new

With out exit point a long walk away and the sun now low in the sky, I decided it was time to leave.

Marlon and Tom were interested in pushing on; perhaps venturing into Battle House or revisiting Cell 1 & 2? I suggested we cut diagonally across Pyestock and take advantage of the acute angles of sunlight to get some startling new impressions of old favourites. I really wanted to get some shots of exterior of Cell 1 & 2, the concrete exhaust and the sunlight setting through the Air House.

It turned out to be a good call as the journey across the site was full of further distractions: more buildings, more doors, more pipe ducts. Marlon and I climbed the old spalling concrete steps of the Plant House Cooling Tower, stepping over the "Unsafe Handrail" sign as we did so. As we reached its apex, being especially careful of the admittedly unsafe and rattling handrail, I suddenly motioned Marlon to come down; again we were climbing a structure in full view of security.

So again, we disappeared into the blue pipes and dense metal undergrowth of Pyestock, remerging high on catwalks or climbing up the side of the Plant House to compose shots of the sinking sun through the Air House.